How to Uninstall fail2ban On Ubuntu

To uninstall fail2ban just follow these instructions. Uninstall just fail2ban sudo apt-get remove fail2ban This will remove just the fail2ban package itself. Uninstall fail2ban and its dependencies sudo apt-get remove –auto-remove fail2ban This will remove the fail2ban package and any…

How to create and manage addon domains in cPanel

Normally, when you buy a hosting package, the hosting provider will give you a cPanel account and request that you provide a domain name (main domain), then this will be used for hosting primary domain. However, if you choose a…

How to Create an FTP Account in cPanel

How to Create an FTP Account in cPanel and access your web site’s files through a protocol called FTP. After logged into your cPanel, click on FTP accounts icon to process to the page   It will redirect you to…

Password Protect Directories in cPanel

Learn how to limit access to a certain part of your site by requiring a user name and password to access a folder or folders from the web. Click on File manage to set a username or password for the…


Updating Your Contact Information in Cpanel

On cPanel control panel homepage, Click on your account name and click on Contact Information Enter an email address to receive account notifications and password reset confirmations. Do not use an email address that your cPanel account owns. Enter a second…

How to install fail2ban with Directadmin on your VPS CentOS

Login with PuTTY SSH or the console in the control panel as root and install fail2ban through the following steps: – Download the RPM repository for fail2ban: rpm -Uhv yum install epel-release yum install fail2ban Type Y, and then…

Using File Manager in cPanel

Quickly manager all of your files and folders with the new File Manager. Scroll to FILES section in cPanel control panel and clicking on File Manage to manage your files and folders for your websites. At this page, you will…


How to create and modify MySQL databases in cPanel

After logged into cPanel, you click on MySQL Databases icon Create a new MySQL database In New database: you type your database name Add a new user for your database that created before Type your username and password. Click Create…